Does Drinking Green Tea Cause Weight Loss?

Does Drinking Green Tea Cause Weight Loss?

Several readily available remedies in the market can do a great job in reducing body weight and aid certain age-related diseases. As obesity is on a constant rise in this era, numerous giants have come up with miraculous drugs that can give excellent results. But down...
When to Get the Flu Shot

When to Get the Flu Shot

Getting the flu isn’t very uncommon and is definitely not ideal. Maybe you’re wondering when to get the flu shot, or how to avoid contracting the flu in general. As the symptoms can be extreme, taking preventative measures—like getting your flu shot—can be really...
How To Prevent and Treat a Cold Sore

How To Prevent and Treat a Cold Sore

Discussing cold sores may be a difficult topic, especially when it comes to how to prevent and treat a cold sore. With a lot of different information circling about them, it’s important to know what’s true and what isn’t.  At Utah Family Pharmacy, we want to...